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Site TiPulpit Ministry

iIf you would like a link to any of the messages, please contact us.

23 Sep Ps Nelson 'Let This Mind Be in You' Philippians 2:5-11
16 Sep Pastor Teo Tee Loon 'God Prepares the Way' Exodus 23: 20-33
09 Sep Pastor Edmund Chua 'Love One Another' John 13:33-38
02 Sep Snr Pastor Neville Tan 'Servanthood' 2 Timothy
26 Aug Ps Nelson 'In the Dark Night of the Soul' Psalm 13
19 Aug Pastor Teo Tee Loon 'The World Needs a Father' Matthew 17:5; Galatians 4:7
12 Aug Pastor Edmund Chua 'I AM the Vine, you are the branches' John 15:1-25
05 Aug Snr Pastor Neville Tan 'Faithful God' Deuteronomy 7:7-11
29 Jul Pastor Don Wong 'Walking in the Holiness of God' 1 Peter 2:9-10
22 Jul Ps Nelson 'Real Change With Christ in the Here and Now' 2 Peter 1:8-9
15 Jul Pastor Teo Tee Loon 'God's Covenant' Exodus 19:1-25; 24:1-18
08 Jul Dr Patrick Stephen 'When the Chips Are Down' 1 Samuel 30:1-17
01 Jul Snr Pastor Neville Tan 'Standing Together' 2 Timothy 4:9-18
24 Jun Pastor Charles Tan 'Knowing God' Psalm 46:10
17 Jun Ps. Nelson 'Trusting God, When it Doesn't Make Sense' 2 Chron 31:21-22;32:1-31
10 Jun Dr Ernest Chew 'Come and Take, Do and Make' Matt.11: 28-30; 28:18-20
03 Jun Snr Pastor Neville Tan 'Hold Fast & Consider One Another' Heb: 23-25
27 May Snr Pastor Neville Tan 'The Importance of Meeting Together' Heb. 10:25
20 May Pastor Teo Tee Loon 'God is the Great I AM Exodus 5:1-21
13 May Elder Melville Szto 'When Evil Seems to Triumph' Exodus 5:1-21
06 May Snr Pastor Neville Tan 'Do You Love Me?' John 21:15-17
29 Apr  Rev Raymond Sim 'Radical Prayer' 1 Kings 18:41-46
22 Apr  Ps Nelson 'I am the Problem' Psalm 14
15 Apr   Pastor Teo Tee Loon 'Multiplying Disciplemakers to the 4th Generation' 2 Tim. 2:1-10
08 Apr   Snr Pastor Neville Tan 'The Family of God' Romans 8:14-17
01 Apr   Dr Desmond Soh 'Resurrection Journey from Despair to Discipleship' Luke 24 
25 Mar   Ps Nelson 'An Anchor For My Soul' Hebrews 6:19-20
18 Mar   Pastor Teo Tee Loon 'The Cost of Discipleship' Mark 8:34-38

11 Mar   Pastor Edmund Chan 'Increase Our Faith' Luke 17:5-19

04 Mar   Snr Pastor Neville Tan 'So What is Love?' Romans 12:9-13

25 Feb   Rev  Daniel Teh 'Lord, What Will You Have Me Do?' Phil 2:9-11

18 Feb   Ps Nelson  'It's By MY Spirit'  Zechariah 4:1-14

11 Feb   Pastor Teo Tee Loon  'Beyond Loving the Church' James 2:  14-17

04 Feb   Snr Pastor Neville 'Do What you do Do Well' Romans 12:6-8

28 Jan   Ps Nelson 'What is Man?' Psalm 8

21 Jan   Pastor Edmund Chua 'I Thank My God Everytime I Remember You' [Phil. 1:1-11]

14 Jan   Pastor Teo Tee Loon 'The Vine and the Branches' [John 15:1-17]

07 Jan   Snr Pastor Neville Tan 'One in Him' [John 17:20-26]

31 Dec   Ps Nelson  [The Return of the Ark Part. 2]:'Bringing Back the Presence of God' [2 Sam. 6:12-23]
24 Dec   Rev Oh Beng Khee 'The Most Precious Gift [John 3:16]
17 Dec   Snr Pastor Neville Tan 'True Worship' [Rom. 12:1-2]
10 Dec   Elder Melville Szto "No Condemnation" [Rom. 8:1-4]
03 Dec   Dr Desmond Soh  ‘Christmas through the Eyes of Joseph’ [Matthew 1:18-25]
26 Nov   Ps Nelson "The Return of the Ark-Part 1: Is God Safe or is He Good?" [2 Sam 6:1-11] 
19 Nov   Snr. Pastor Neville Tan “WYSIWYG” [Eph. 1:18-20]
12 Nov   Pastor Edmund Chua "Sit, Walk, Stand” [Deut. 6:1-12] 
05 Nov   Bro. Richard Gilfillan Khalil “Growing through Trials” [James 1: 2-8]
29 Oct   Ps Nelson  "O Lord, Heal Me" [Psa. 6}

22 Oct   Rev Raymond Sim “Overcoming Fear” [1 Sam. 17:1-10]

15 Oct   Snr Pastor Neville Tan “Who Are You?” [Luke 9:18-20]  

08 Oct   Rev. Tony Tan “Two things God first gave to Mankind” [Gen. 1:26;  2:8-9, 15-17]
1 Oct     Dr Stephen Patrick  Solomon: “Place or Presence[I Sam. 7:7-12] 
24 Sep  Ps. Nelson  “You Have to Make the Choice” [Joshua 24] 
17 Sep Snr Ps. Neville Tan “Go" [Genesis 12:1-5] 
10 Sep: Ps. Jack Theva  “Carnal mind or Spiritual mind" [Romans  8:6-8] 
3 Sep:  Rev. Daniel Teh  “What great things God has  done” [Luke 8:26-39] 
27 Aug: Ps. Teo Tee Loon: 'Serving Our Community' [Matthew 5:13-16] 
20 Aug: Bro. Peter Henry Lee. 'Lessons Learnt From The Spiritual School of Hardship Knocks'[Prov. 4:1-7) 
13 AugPastor Edmund Chua: 'You are the light in the Lord' [Eph. 5:8-14]
06 Aug: Pastor Daniel Koh: “Unity” [ Eph. 4:1; Matt. 6:9]. 
30 Jul Pastor Richard Ong. 'Have You Received the Greatest Gift?' [John 3:16]
23 Jul: Pastor Jabez from the Hiding Place: 'The Complete Salvation in King Jesus' [ Luke 19:10 ]
16 Jul:  Senior Pastor Neville Tan: 'I Have Prayed for You' [Luke 22:31-34]
09 Jul:   Pastor Ong Chee Hong: 'Come & See' [John 2:23-36]
02 July: Elder Jimmy Tan: 'Exalted Calling' [Colossians 3:1-17]
25 June: Ps Nelson : 'O God, Protect me from the Traps of Satan' [1 Chron. 4:9-10]
18 June: Senior Pastor Neville Tan: 'To be like Jesus' [Phil. 2:1-18]
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